Dr Julian Hough

Associate Professor in Human Computer Interaction, Computer Science
Office - 119
First Floor
Computational Foundry
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


I am a researcher and lecturer in human-human and human-system interaction using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence techniques, with the aim of improving human-agent interaction with agents like robots in terms of quality and ethical outcomes.

Personal website

Areas Of Expertise

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Multimodal Communication
  • Disfluency
  • Human Dialogue and Dialogue Systems
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Human-centred Artificial Intelligence
  • Cognitive Applications of speech technology

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

I teach broadly across Computer Science at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I supervise projects with topics on Natural Language Processing (including the speech signal and multimodality), human robot-interaction and human-centred approaches to Artificial Intelligence.

Research Award Highlights Collaborations